H2 Engineering Services, Inc. is a trusted engineering provider of designing curb ramps in compliance with PennDOT standards, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the Public Right-of-Way Accessibility Guidelines (PROWAG), and the ADA Accessibility Guidelines (ADAAG). H2’s surveyors and engineers have surveyed, designed, and inspected more than 34,000 curb ramps across Pennsylvania and our work has just begun.
Our portfolio includes work in all eleven PennDOT districts.
Our Services
- Existing ramp condition survey
- Photography and digital video of existing ramps
- Pedestrian studies
- Topography survey
- Right-of-way and property owner research
- “Authorization to Enter” forms
- Design drawings
- Revise existing traffic signal permit plans
- Preparation of Technical Infeasible Forms (TIFs)
- Delineation of proposed excavation limits
- ADA consulting
- Curb ramp inspection and preparation of CS-4401 forms
- Construction consultations
- Curb ramp design peer reviews
- Construction stakeout
H2 has always been a great engineering firm to work with. They are a very reliable company in our industry. Our field workers like building off their designs, especially when it comes to ADA Drawings.”
– Brandon M. Farrell
Project Manager, Gulisek